A Virtual Treasure Hunt!

Let’s have some fun! Let the games begin!

Before you start reading your Hint, here is a general guideline:

Clue 1 :

Clues focus on Independence Day and SAMPARK

Clue 3 :

It ends with sending an email to Bhutani.arjun@dalmiabharat.com

Clue 2 :

One clue takes you to next

Clue 4:

1st ones to send correct email wins.

" Treasure Hunt is so fun, even if its Virtual,
Head to SAMPARK, this time for Real,
Your wellness will increase
with coffee and reading, in a breeze. "

SAMPARK is the Intranet portal of Dalmia Bharat Group, providing a platform for seamless Collaboration and Connectivity. Explore the portal to know the latest happening across Dalmia Group, improve your wellness and take a coffee break with regular updated content and access all your Apps, Policies at one place. Don’t forget to visit the archive section as SAMPARK for missed contents.