Launching Byte sized Training Programmes on SAMPARK.

Its imperative to keep learning for Professional and Personal growth. However, fast paced lives make it difficult for us to do so, even with vast sea of free information available on Internet. To make it easier for all of you, SAMPARK hereby brings byte sized, practically oriented, curated content on topics that would help us learn and grow professionally.

Head to Wellness section of SAMPARK, every Wednesday for a new byte!

We launch the series, taking inspiration from leaders of our Freedom Struggle. The 7-week series on “How to become a leader” is aimed at enabling employees with practical learnings on how to become effective leaders.

SAMPARK is the Intranet portal of Dalmia Bharat Group, providing a platform for seamless Collaboration and Connectivity. Explore the portal to know the latest happening across Dalmia Group, improve your wellness and take a coffee break with regular updated content and access all your Apps, Policies at one place. Don’t forget to visit the archive section as SAMPARK for missed contents.